Know my scissors

How to shift from scissors to comb ?

To hold the comb together with the scissors, follow these instructions:

Take out your thumb out of the grip and hold the scissors with the thumb. Now your fingers are free and may hold the comb.

To come back to a cutting position, give a gentle impulsion with your wrist and put again your thumb in the grip.

See the videos trainings

How to change the charm ?

You can simply take out the charm with your nail and fix the new one at the same place.

How to adjust your scissors ?

Hold your scissors tip up and maintain it with your right hand by the main grip. Make the cutting blade pivot to horizontal and let it go down. Observe.
The cutting blade should come gently towards the vertical but stop before.

The blade doesn’t stop and reaches the vertical

The screw is not tightened enough. Turn one step clockwise with the provided key. Check again with same procedure and screw again if necessary.

The blade stops before ideal position

Your screw is too tightened. Unscrew one step with the provided key, counter clockwise. Check again and adjust if necessary.

Daily Maintainance

You must meet the health requirements of your country.
Before each haircut and as soon as necessary, wipe your blades from de screw to the tip with disinfectants wipes.
This disinfection enables to remove all the hair remaining on the blades.
For the Exthand thinners, the use of a spray is advised.

How to hold your Exthand shears ?

Place the inferior grip between your main and ring fingers.

Close your hand to obtain stability et control with your wrist.

Place your thumb on the superior grip to action the blade.

Index finger is not used and can remain free, you can place it on the blade neaer the screw.

How do I change the grips ?

To remove the grips of your Exthand shears, proceed like described below :
First remove the inferior grip by pulling it. Keep to blades closed and hold them strongly.
Insert the shears its scabbard or wrap around the chamois.
Now removre superior grip by pulling the thinnest side.
To place the new grips repeat these actions in the reverse order.

Usage recommandations

Straighten the wire of the blades

Using the supplied chamois leather, wipe the blades and the seam of your Exthand® scissors regularly. (Once a day minimum).

Lubricate the clamping area

Your Exthand® scissors come with a vial of oil.
Regularly, add a drop of oil near the screw to keep the surface clean and increase the cutting efficiency.
Open and close the scissors several times to distribute the oil on the blades.

Adjust blades tightening

The correct adjustment of blades tightening ensures a flexibility of opening and closing of the blades and a perfect cut.
Regularly check the tension of your scissors or as soon as you feel a drop in their cutting performance.